Sep 3 - Surgery
Waiting game yesturday.
Surgery was bumped to 8:00am this morning (Sunday) to give Emmie-Rose a recovery
day after all she has been thru the past day.
She was doing better mid day saturday. They took her off the oscillating vent and put her on a regular vent machine becuase she was not peeing at all plus her lungs were getting more than they needed. They are still pulling nasty stuff out of her stomach every hour.
The plan is to put in a port in her neck so it is easier to draw blood etc
and to open up her belly to see whats going on.
Praying and crosing our fingers, toes, etc!
She is a little fighter and we are tyring everything we can
for her to fight thru each hurdle we have come to.
Love Chris and Stephanie.
Surgery was bumped to 8:00am this morning (Sunday) to give Emmie-Rose a recovery
day after all she has been thru the past day.
She was doing better mid day saturday. They took her off the oscillating vent and put her on a regular vent machine becuase she was not peeing at all plus her lungs were getting more than they needed. They are still pulling nasty stuff out of her stomach every hour.
The plan is to put in a port in her neck so it is easier to draw blood etc
and to open up her belly to see whats going on.
Praying and crosing our fingers, toes, etc!
She is a little fighter and we are tyring everything we can
for her to fight thru each hurdle we have come to.
Love Chris and Stephanie.
At 9/03/2006 06:32:00 AM,
Dawn said…
Lots of people praying for you in church today!!! Let us know as soon as you know something. Love you all!!
At 9/03/2006 08:14:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
We're praying for you guys!!!
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